Termites and bedbugs can disrupt the tranquility of your home, but IV Termite & Pest Control offers targeted solutions to eliminate these persistent pests. From thorough inspections to meticulous damage repairs, our services restore peace and security to your living space. Trust us for high-quality, comprehensive services in EL Centro, CA, and the surrounding areas.
Termites silently wreak havoc, causing significant structural damage and leading to financial strain. Their presence can trigger allergic reactions, compromise insulation systems, destabilize trees, destroy paper products, impact electrical wiring, and reduce property value. IV Termite & Pest Control addresses these dangers comprehensively.
After the first bedbug service, IV Termite & Pest Control performs a second service ten days later. Bedbugs pose various risks, including skin bites and irritation, allergic reactions, sleep disturbances, psychological effects, property damage, and financial costs for eradication. Trust us for efficient solutions, providing you with peace of mind and a good night's sleep.
The Control of bedbugs and the prevention of re-infestation of bedbugs can be improved substantially by adhering to the practices listed below. Please read and sign that you have read and understand the following:
Procedimiento para el servicio de Chinches
Puede ser controlado el regreso de chinches grandemente y se puede prevenir que regresen de nuevo si nos apegamos y seguimos las siguientes indicaciones. Favor de leer y poner sus iniciales después de haber leído y entendido las siguientes indicaciones.
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Contact Information
Phone: 760-352-4132
Email: contact@ivtermitepest.com
Address: 712 Broadway El Centro, CA 92243, US
Business Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm